Time is a tricky thing.

When I’m facing a deadline I end up have two types of results.

With result one, the pressure of limited time brings out the best in me and I better result than I had anticipated.

With result two, I stumble along and fail and accomplishing the work I set out to do.

What are the distinguishing factors that make the difference between a desirable and an undesirable result?

I wish I had a good answer for you.

The only way to learn what the distinguishing factors are is by keeping records of the results.

Baseball is a good example of this.

There are statistical measurement for every single action in the game of baseball.

There’s the batting average of the batter and the earned run average of the pitcher.

You can tell how good of a home run hitter a batter is by looking at his slugging percentage.

Statistics have been recorded about baseball players for about a hundred years.

Some say you can compare today’s great baseball players with those of history’s past.

I’m not sure I can agree with that as the game of baseball is different than it was decades ago.

The rules have changed over time.

The baseball season has more games in it now than it did fifty some odd years ago.

Some of the stats I look at are my closing ratios.

For every sales presentation I perform, how many people become customers?

When I look at those numbers, I’m given intelligence about where I can make improvements.

Recording our numbers is a valuable way to improve performance.

By simply recording and tracking performance, one will make improvements in their performance.

There is something about measuring and focusing on an activity that causes us to improve at the thing we are measuring.

By measuring, I can learn when deadlines are beneficial and when they are detrimental.

Measuring and evaluation of my measurement gives me a feedback loop.

Paying attention to that feedback loop improves my performance.

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