Approaching The Point of No Return

Approaching The Point of No Return

A few weeks ago I flew down to Atlanta for a two-day workshop. The plane starts at one of the runway and then gains speed quickly. As the plane accelerates it reaches the V1 speed. The V1 speed is the point of on return for the airplane. Once the plane reaches its V1...
The Four Seasons of Business

The Four Seasons of Business

Have you ever been frustrated with the growth of your business? I certainly have. Just a few weeks ago, I asked Scott, one of my mentors, “What am I doing wrong?” Scott replied to me, “Damon, you’re doing the right things, you have to trust in the process and let the...
When In Doubt Pick Up The Phone

When In Doubt Pick Up The Phone

In today’s world, the telephone is perhaps the least used sales tool for the average business owner. The telephone isn’t sexy. Maybe I should dress my phone in a swimsuit to amp up the appeal. The telephone requires some courage, gumption, and persistence. Think for a...
How To Empty Out The Head Trash

How To Empty Out The Head Trash

Yesterday was a day of Ups and Downs for Me. The day started as most of my days start with a trip to my local coffee shop for some writing time. Then as the day progressed, some of that nasty head trash swirled around in my head. As the morning progressed, I continued...
Sufferings In Business

Sufferings In Business

A few years ago, I attended a conference where a speaker presented information on marketing. After the presentation, I was talking with a colleague, and he remarked that this marketing thing is difficult. I paused for a moment and then replied, “Well, is it...

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